##### what is it and what's next?
Jeremy Prevost

## Initial Project
- Single data source (Aleph)
- Data Ingest pipeline (Mario)
- User facing API (TIMDEX!)
## Original Team
- Engineering: Helen, Jeremy, Mike
- Metadata: Rhonda, Ben
- Project Management: Li
- ITS Support: Andy, Tania, Beth, Rich
- TIMDEX Logo (semi-reluctantly?): Frances
### TIMDEX Is Making Discovery EXcellent @ MIT
- Anyone can register
- You can also use it with no registration at all! (registration removes a rate limit)
- Documentation!
- [GraphQL playground](https://timdex.mit.edu/playground)
## In the wild(ish)
- Timbot
- Built by our own Matt Bernhardt
- [scrAPIr](http://scrapir.org)
- Built by Tarfah Alrashed, PhD student in CSAIL
- others? We try not to keep track for privacy reasons. Those projects told us so we know about them.
## Next steps
- ArchivesSpace
- Iterate based on user feedback
- Keep thinking about future data sources to ingest
- DSpace?, AKDC?, Dome?, Libguidses?, Website?
- ... (repeat a few times)
- Alma
- everything is in TIMDEX!
## Thanks
- [Mario: the pipeline repository](https://github.com/MITLibraries/mario)
- [TIMDEX: the API repository](https://github.com/MITLibraries/timdex)
- [TIMDEX website](https://timdex.mit.edu)
- [TIMDEX documentation](https://mitlibraries-timdex.docs.stoplight.io)
- [TIMDEX playground](https://timdex.mit.edu/playground)
- These Slides [ https://jprevost.github.io/](https://github.com/JPrevost/jprevost.github.io)